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Frequently Asked Questions

Got Questions? We've got answers

Do you help me get setup?

Yes. We care about your success and want to give you a hand getting started. Since most of what you will need is already setup, that usually means just adding your contacts and setting up your email. We provide this service for free with our Pro Program and for a small fee for those just getting the CRM.

Can I send text messages in the CRM?

There is a 3rd party app called Twilio that you can use to send text messages via the CRM, but be aware that the US A2P 10DLC laws in the US will be a hurdle you need to get over. There is also another fee with this service to Twilio, personally I recommend using the CRM as a 'reminder' to send the messages directly from your phone to theirs instead of this 3rd party app.

Here is a video with more information.

Do I need to use the CRM after I take the course?

You don't. You can sign up and cancel at any time OR never use the CRM and still be a part of the Warm Connections Pro Program. However, we built the CRM with unique fields, responders and workflows that go along with the Warm Connection. It also has event management and appointment scheduling for those events and consultations you are using to get in front of your connections.

Who do I "connect" with? Who do I put in my CRM?

We recommend cleaning up your contact list so only Warm Connections are added to the database. This means it is no longer a 'cold spamming' program, but rather an intentional important contact with true connections. You can add 'warm leads', friends, vendors, business connections, current clients, and past clients. My best advice, if you are going through your contact list and don't know the name, don't add them!

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3030 Starkey Blvd #239, New Port Richey FL 34655